Step 1
Notify us on the item(s) you are interested through email ( Provide us the item number and be specific, with the colors or sizes (if available).
We'll get back to you through email to confirm the requested item(s), its price and availability.
Step 2
To process your order, kindly provide us with your: (1) Mailing Name/Recipient (2) Mailing Address, and (3) Contact Phone Number.
- For the Delivery Charges, it is at RM8 per item with estimated arrival time of 3 working days (within West Malaysia only). For East Malaysia and overseas rates, please contact us for details.
- For the Payment Methods, you have the options of:
(1) using internet banking to transfer the total amount to our GarageMode account at CIMB (we will be able to confirm your payment within 3 days)
(2) you may head on to any CIMB bank branches/counters and make a deposit to our GarageMode account (transaction is almost immediate).
Step 3
Upon receipt of payment, we will send out your item(s) with an email notification to you.
Estimated arrival time will be approximately 3 days.